
Door Kholo Inaaam Jeeto

What is the project?

This is an android native app for Retailers, Dealers and Distributors. User must give registered mobile number and put OTP to login in the app. Admin portal have the power to manage every data and offers, notifications, users etc. CenturyPly Admin can get the full report and list of bills also from the same portal.

Key Features:

1. Role based restrictions in the functionalities. 2. Instant notification with offers. 3. Send query or bills along with screen shot from this app. 4. Different offers dashboard based on role. 5. Manage users, roles, offers from admin panel. 6. Auto notification by new offer assignment. 7. Track notification read. 8. Get full report based on roles.


App was a successful initiative, a lot of associated retailers, dealers and distributors had been added into Century’s active network. Daily users were there who uploaded bills regularly. Regular monitoring by admin and development team keep the app active. Finally we had a huge database and it helped to make the campaign successful.

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WhatsApp Campaign Management

What is the project?

This application is created to automate WhatsApp Campaign through portal. We can schedule the campaign message with image/video/text for any branch/city retailers and generate report. We are using a third-party service to send WhatsApp message automatically from the portal.

Key Features :

1. This portal is interconnected with Retailer Connect Program to fetch all the contacts, so no need to add contacts to mobile manually. 2. Just schedule the campaign and relax. System will send the messages on and from the scheduled time to the respective retailers. 3. Using existing official WhatsApp number. 4. Send text, image or video as message. 5. Branch wise and city wise users can be selected for scheduling. 6. Message sending report with sent time available. 7. Admin portal with extensive configuration options available


This application is already in use and started sending messages. We are getting benefits in terms of sending bulk message, sent report and preschedule campaign. It is performing well, and it is currently under strict surveillance. There are scope of improvements and we all are working on it to make it better.

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We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do. They are leaders in various spheres of business, and we appreciate cooperating with them.

About us

ASP Infotech is a well known leading IT Systems Management organization in providing modern, latest technology solutions for businesses of all sizes.
